Privacy Policy


We respect user privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information. Please read the following carefully to understand how we collect, use and protect your information.


1. Information collected:


We collect only minimal information related to the functionality of the application. This includes device information (model, operating system version) and NFC interaction data (read and write information). We do not collect any personally identifiable information.


2. Use of information:


The information collected is used solely to provide and improve our services. We will not sell your information to any third party. When we work with third-party service providers, they process information only under our guidance.


3. Cookies and similar technologies:


Our apps may use cookies and similar technologies, but they are not used for the collection of personally identifiable information. These technologies are designed to enhance the user experience and protect your privacy.


4. Your rights and options:


You have the right to access, correct and delete your personal information. You may choose to disable the collection of some information, but please note that this may affect some features of the app.


5. Safety measures:


We take reasonable technical and organizational measures to ensure that your personal information is protected from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. Our data storage complies with relevant regulatory requirements.


6. Privacy Policy updates:

We reserve the right to update our privacy policy at any time. We will notify you of updates through in-app notifications or website announcements.


7. Contact us:


If you have any questions regarding the privacy policy or personal information, please contact us by contacting us


Thank you for trusting to use LIKE NTAGs-AnyWhere NFC! We are committed to providing a safe and convenient NFC experience.